Thursday, May 29, 2008

Use of Narrative

Despite the egotistical tone of Haleys, the use of her personal story was effective. Like any good homiletic, a great tool to draw-in an audience to receive a message is the use of narrative. It compliments the theory so well. It notably shows the progression of her discoveries from a personal view point. I'm not sure she would have grabbed my attention without the use of narrative. Though I found the theory portion rather interesting, I noticed within myself waiting for her next autobiographical chapter to flesh out the dense and tedious theory. (Especially when she ranted on about artist books I am very unfamiliar with.) Therefore, I found her story to be not only relevant to her message but necessary.

Check out this short speech by RFK.

Take note of his personal story about his brother, John.

That's all.


mike's spot said...

I've never heard of any derivative of homily used outside the confines of the church.

nice 50 cent word :)

I've never been a big fan of the Kennedy family, but to say that they didn't speak well and have phenomenal public discourse would be a flat out lie.

Anonymous said...

She claims 'Kaye' should not be mistake for her, even though she states that a good deal of autobiographical elements that represent 'Kaye' represent her.

Either way, I think it made for a better read as well.

Lance Strate said...

Homiletics, which in some ways was the starting point for college communication programs, is an interesting frame to put Hayles into, and a generous one given some of the response.